Communications and Public Relations firms invited to submit proposals to elevate research and innovations in adult postsecondary success


Grand Rapids, MI (Sept. 17, 2024) — The Michigan Center for Adult College Success today announced that it is accepting proposals from qualified communications and public relations firms to elevate the research, best practices and successes in adult postsecondary education.

The Center’s goal is to increase the number of adult Michiganders obtaining postsecondary credentials, to close equity gaps and advance the state’s broader Sixty by 30 postsecondary attainment goal. As part of this work, The Center is looking for communications supports to disseminate the research and best practices so institutions across the state can learn from each other on how to best serve adult learners.

The vendor chosen will have the following roles beginning in October 2024:

  • Strategic Communications Planning: Develop a detailed communications plan that aligns with The Center’s goals and objectives, identifying key messages, target audiences, and channels.
  • Media Relations: Establish and maintain relationships with local, state, and national media outlets with an emphasis on the Detroit, Grand Rapids and Lansing markets. Secure coverage in major Michigan news outlets and key national publications. Facilitate media interviews, press releases, and op-eds to increase visibility.
  • Social Media Management: Develop and manage a social media strategy to increase The Center’s online presence. Publish regular content, engage with followers, and track metrics to measure effectiveness.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Develop strategies to introduce The Center to a broader group of stakeholders, including policymakers, employers, and postsecondary institutions. Foster meaningful relationships through targeted outreach and personalized communications.
  • Event Support: Assist in planning and executing events, webinars, and presentations to showcase The Center’s work and engage stakeholders.
  • Content Creation: Create compelling content, including newsletters, blogs, case studies, and reports, that communicates The Center’s value and expertise.
  • Crisis Communications: Develop a crisis communications plan to manage any potential challenges or issues that may arise.

The budget for this project should not exceed $80,000. Proposals will be evaluated based on understanding of The Center’s mission and objectives, experience and qualifications, quality and creativity of proposed approach, demonstrated success in similar projects, and cost-effectiveness of the proposal.

The deadline to submit proposals is Oct. 8, 2024. See the full request for proposals here.

For any questions or further information, contact:

Jeremy Hendges
Director, Michigan Center for Adult College Success
tel: 517.303.6026