The Michigan Center for Adult College Success is statutorily required in the Reconnect Act (MCL 390.1703) to consult with institutions utilizing the Reconnect program on best practices in student success. The Center is working with the Office of Sixty by 30 and the Michigan Community College Association on developing the services to fulfill the statutory obligations.
The Center provides a variety of services and resources to help public and tribal community colleges maximize participation in the Michigan Reconnect free tuition benefit for Michigan adults. Please check back regularly for updates on our Reconnect Support Program, or if you interested in receiving updates you can subscribe here.
For the latest supports available statewide related to the Reconnect 21-24 age expansion program, the Michigan Community College Association has compiled a number of resources here.
The Center’s Reconnect Support Program focuses on supporting the work of the community colleges to comply with the following best practices established in the Reconnect Act.
Partnerships with 4-year colleges and universities
Course offerings to enable timely completion of credits
Stackable credentials
Credit for prior learning
Work based learning opportunities
Holistic student support
Guided pathways
Corequisite learning
Statutory Language: MCL 390.1703(c)(viii)(F) – Identifies best practices in student success, reviews evidence to support best practices, and discusses with relevant experts emerging opportunities to increase the success of Michigan reconnect grant students. Subject to section 5a, an institution must perform the requirements of this sub-subparagraph in consultation with the Michigan Center for Adult College Success.
The first step in accessing the services described below is to contact The Center for a consultation. Staff are available during Virtual Office Hours and by appointment to provide prompt support to Michigan Reconnect institutions.
Contact UsStaff at The Center are available for consultations and resource referrals.
Director of Postsecondary Programs and Partnerships
Office Hours are open Tuesdays and Thursdays. Drop-ins are welcome, but if possible please email if you plan to attend.
Tuesdays, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Tuesday Zoom Link
Thursdays, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Thursday Zoom Link
The Center provides relevant value-added research that is shared with postsecondary partners. This useful, actionable information can help institutions implement system changes to improve adult learner enrollment, persistence, and completion rates. The landscape analysis published in October 2023 is the first in a series of research projects. Other projects include adult learner profiles, labor market outcomes in institutional service areas, and a report on significant credentials by profession. The Center is also partnering with the Office of Sixty by 30 to analyze and report trends of available institutional data, including Annual Reconnect Reports.
Design Labs are scheduled design sprints for institutional teams to plan systemic change initiatives. The Center organizes Design Labs around a central theme with regular convenings. Strategic coaching, facilitation and research services are provided at no charge to participating institutions. The MI-RAISE Design Lab focused on innovation in supporting adult students. The upcoming MI-LEARN Design Lab will guide institutions in curricular change and faculty engagement to drive adult learner completion.
Strategic coaching services are available to institutions at no charge, working with community college leadership for a proscribed period. Coaches can provide a more in-depth and regular touchpoint for guidance on promising practices in adult student success, serve as thought partners on implementation of change initiatives, and share learnings from across the state and nation.
To assist public and community colleges with more detailed information on specific promising practices in adult student success, The Center can match subject matter experts in key areas with colleges upon request. Some examples of assistance that subject matter experts can provide include informing campus working groups, facilitating a professional development workshop, or providing feedback on a planning document.
Institutions that wish to have their system changes evaluated by a third party will be able to partner with The Center to evaluate the impact of their work. The Center will offer evaluation services that review how the program was implemented and recommendations for changes to the process (if any) as well as the impact the program had in boosting adult enrollment, persistence and/or completion rates.