Proposals sought for evaluation of Innovation Investment Awards grant program

Grand Rapids, MI (July 2, 2024) — The Michigan Center for Adult College Success today announced that it is accepting proposals from qualified research organizations to evaluate its Innovation Investment Award grant program, which is designed to incentivize improvements in adult postsecondary attainment.

The Innovation Investment Awards (IIA) is a competitive grant program to provide up to $1 million for institutions implementing sustainable, integrated system changes that increase postsecondary persistence and completion rates for adult learners. The Center’s goal is to increase the number of adult Michiganders obtaining postsecondary credentials, to close equity gaps and advance the state’s broader Sixty by 30 postsecondary attainment goal.

The vendor chosen as an evaluator will have two primary tasks:

  1. Program evaluation: Beginning in September 2024, activities include developing logic models for each project, creating and implementation framework, drafting and administering participant surveys, conducting interviews with IIA project leads, coordinating data transfer, cleaning data and preparing analytical files. Findings must be synthesized to identify systemic trends, with an implementation report due by the end of December.
  2. Ongoing technical support: From September 2024 through August 2025, the vendor will provide ongoing technical support and participate in meetings and planning with The Center and IIA recipients.

The budget for this project should not exceed $240,000. Proposals will be evaluated based on project understanding, methodological approach, relevant experience and qualifications, cost effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed project timeline.

The deadline to submit proposals is July 26. The full request for proposals is available for download at The Center’s website

For any questions or further information, Contact:
Jeremy Hendges
Director, Michigan Center for Adult College Success
tel: 517.303.6026