Michigan Center for Adult College Success: Yes, it’s true that Michigan men are less likely to go to college, and we need to fix that

Jeremy Hendges, Executive Director of the Michigan Center for Adult College Success, released the following statement Wednesday in response to Gov. Whitmer’s State of the State emphasis on reaching men to boost their enrollment in higher education and training programs:

Governor Whitmer is right. Michigan men are less likely to go to college, and that’s an issue we need to fix.

Fortunately, we know what’s behind this trend. Our work with adults without a college degree highlights that when men are graduating from high school, many don’t know what they want to do yet or don’t believe college is for them. They think college is expensive, and don’t see the value in a degree. So they take jobs in Michigan’s robust blue-collar labor market, find they can make good money, and the idea of going to college falls away. Then, as these men get older with more life responsibilities, it becomes even harder for them to consider postsecondary education – even though they could really use the bigger paycheck that comes from a job requiring a degree.

What can we do to fix this? It’s critical to not only demonstrate the long-term value of a college degree, but also to increase awareness of available financial support and provide clear pathways to career success.

That means changing how we talk about higher education with men and showing them how affordable it can be in Michigan. It means working with employers and colleges to provide clear education pathways on a schedule that works for adults who are balancing work and family obligations.

With our wealth of research and strategies on hand, we look forward to working with the Governor and legislators to can help Michigan men get there financially, practically, and effectively.

Our job now is to get it done.



About The Michigan Center for Adult College Success

The Michigan Center for Adult College Success is the state’s primary resource to improve the enrollment and completion of postsecondary education by adults. As an initiative of TalentFirst, our goal is to meet the statewide need for a skilled workforce. The Center collects research, shares best practices, funds innovative pilots and provides technical assistance. We partner with a wide range of educators, business leaders and policy makers toward our shared goal of helping more adults get the credentials they need to reach their full potential, so our state can thrive. Learn more: https://info.talentfirst.net/mcacs


About TalentFirst

TalentFirst is a premiere alliance of West Michigan CEOs who are joined by HR leaders, educators, workforce leaders, and policymakers to collaborate on an unmatched scale for the benefit of all who live and work in the region. As a data-driven organization, TalentFirst provides practical, proven resources, strategies, tactics, advocacy and accountability to improve the recruitment, development and retention of talent in West Michigan. Learn more at http://www.talentfirst.net/